Where I've been
The wheel of the year is turning faster it feels as the days finally (mostly) (maybe) warm and spring arrives. I have been busy, for lack of a better turn. Sometimes life throws you a curve ball in the form of sudden and unexpected burn out. I’ve been struggling with it on and off for years- farming really takes it out of you- but recently it’s taken a more significant turn.
Nothing serious necessarily, although I am saying that having had a long bout of pneumonia in January, followed more recently with tonsillitis and general emotional malaise.
But I’m working through it. Painting through it, taking courses through it, planning trips to Mongolia through it.
Instead of letting this rough patch really beat me down, I’m using it as an occasion to make some big changes (or prep for big changes at the very least). It’s exciting, and terrifying. Tonight I’ll be submitting an audition for a podcast I really enjoy, and sharing my copywriting and voice over skills on Fiverr.
I love farming, but this winter I’ve really accepted that my long term plans have changed significantly, and I need to course correct for my long term happiness and stability. I love farming, don’t get me wrong, but as I get older and continue to have pain management problems, and I rto reevaluate the role it plays in my life.
Like I said, exciting and terrifying.
I’m taking my non-farming skills and hobbies seriously, and I hope to start making something for myself this year. I don’t know exactly what it’ll look like yet, but I can’t wait to find out.
My Youtube introduction Video! (Exciting!)