
Hello there.

Welcome to the blog! Here’s where I share travel and adventure bits, Willa bobs, illustrative work and anything else that floats my boat!

Enjoy your visit!

If you're stuck and you know it clap your hands

If you're stuck and you know it clap your hands

(PS, this design is available on my Society6!)

Well, they’re here. The summer blahs have finally collided with a storm cell of long-term unemployment- meets- the despair that my long-laid plans have been for naught as the US doesn’t seem to be opening in any safe or reasonable way anytime soon.

My funk-nest has been lines with branches of uselessness, twigs of various anxieties, the loathsome summer balm of humidity I haven’t had to deal with in years, and apparently the melodramatic bits and bobs from consuming too much Magnus Archives in a short period of time.

While there have been some completed projects (see above), there’s also been very many unfinished ones. I managed to loose all steam for my zine, and novel, and have settled for working on them in bits and pieces when I can and trying to not feel too guilty about pushing back deadlines.

Getting stuck just happens sometimes. It comes in and hits you like a sneaker wave at the beach and you’re left rolling in the sand, desperate to right yourself.

And if you’ve never been told this- it’s okay. We really aren’t designed to be working all the time, and certainly not from home or wherever your offices or boss have sent you, with the additional hurdles childcare and pandemic shenanigans have brought.

In less than three weeks I leave for Maine, taking a temporary job on a farm. Until then I’ll be chipping away on my work as I can, and not trying to force anything.

Journal Prompts:

-What are three small actions you could take towards achieving your goals today? (It’s totally fine if they are as small as cleaning off the top of your desk for work or editing a single photo)

-What are things that help you get unstuck? What do you love to do no matter what? Why?

-How would your ideal day play out? How does this work with what’s making you feel stuck?

Thangs I love right now:

-Podcast: The Magnus Archives (delightful horror and canon ace characters? Sign me up!)

-New Insta finds @arcanebullshit and @intersectionalenvironmentalist (prophetic goofballs and badass BIPOC raising voices about environmentalism)

-Music: Marigold, by Mother Falcon (they broke up years ago but this song is so beautiful and moving)

Until next time, Sabrina

Summer Gardens and Sketchbooking

Summer Gardens and Sketchbooking

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