
Hello there.

Welcome to the blog! Here’s where I share travel and adventure bits, Willa bobs, illustrative work and anything else that floats my boat!

Enjoy your visit!

Haphazard Haiku pt2: We've moved to Maine

Haphazard Haiku pt2: We've moved to Maine

Looking north from the farm

Looking north from the farm

It’s true! I’m spending the rest of August here in beautiful coastal Maine on a wild blueberry picking crew! Living out of my tent, without dearest Willa (she is happily with my folks in NY at the moment, do not fret!), or reliable internet (first world problems, am I right?). I will work on a comprehensive post about this move and the creative projects I’ve been working on ( a podcast! Pleinair studies!), but for now, hopping on my phone’s mobile data, are the next batch of my #100daysofhaiku challenge, shared out of order and possibly missing one or two, oops!


A sea-fresh breeze picks up

to lilt over parking lots

weed bright in deep breathes


Clear water tumbles

over stones mica-ed and golden

burbles in stead of birds


Strings of coiled shells

grace the gentle curves

of an ocean line


Leafpelt chitters as a

lone hare lopes over

fallen birch branches


Pregnant moon rises

grazing tree tops

a pink veiled dusk


Tarped floor moves in the night,

Day break- it is but a vole


As always right now I am sharing this in a rough, unedited form- from brain to pen to page. Later the best will be polished up a bit and shared in a zine.

Until then next batch of poems, you can find me on Instagram @the.stellarium or now on twitter @brina-lucileee where I share silly bits and bobs of life as a mullet-ed blueberry picking cryptid loose in the world! Honestly it’s a great place to see day to day haikus and Pleinair studies, actual proper post coming soon!

Till next time, Sabrina

Last of the Maine Haiku

Last of the Maine Haiku

#100daysofhaiku : embodying the art of haphazard poetry

#100daysofhaiku : embodying the art of haphazard poetry